Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Iraq War Iraqi People's Fault

Over the last few months I’ve noticed a disturbing trend in US foreign policy statements which is slowly but surely putting the blame on the parlous and tragic situation in Iraq on Iraqis. Take the report in today’s Guardian which quotes the outgoing US ambassador (Zalmay Khalilzad, pictured right) to Iraq saying the Bush administration's patience was wearing thin and urging them to stem the bloodshed.

The chutzpah is breathtaking. The US steams into Iraq, topples the government, makes no provision or plan for the peace and when the situation unravels it blames…the people it invaded.

But, what a great historical gloss. The Iraq war wasn’t an illegal and calamitous chevauchee for oil. It was a just liberal war which only went wrong because of those silly Iraqis and their habit of killing each other. Against our wishes I might add.

P’ah. I’m going to think about Star Wars ‘What If’ situations instead….

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