Friday, May 25, 2007


I have a Navman. It's an ingenious invention for the directionally challenged (i.e. me) as it helps me find where I'm going to. Or it least it should.

Travelling to Warwick from York yesterday I noticed that, rather than driving along the road as my primary senses were telling me I was, according to the Navman console, drifting eerily across fields and rivers, lakes and woodland near to, but not on, my supposed route. A strangely liberating but wholly inaccurate reflection of the true sequence of events unfurling on the M1. Puzzled, I let the matter pass once it seemed to right itself.

I was trying to get to IBM which is, allegedly, on Warwick’s Birmingham Road. Except Navman questions the existence of a Birmingham Road in Warwick. It doesn't even accept there could be one (the German word 'Unbestimmtheit' or 'Uncertainty' in quantum physics terms would have been reasonable and I would have reluctantly nodded in compromise). But no. Point blank, categorical refusal. I eventually ended up in an industrial estate nearby and found my way to my true destination by good old fashioned aimless driving.

And then on my return journey human error came into play. I was exorcising troubling memories of the morning’s Navman weirdness by listening to the radio turned up very high and I couldn't hear the lilting, ethereal commands emanating from my computerised navigator. So I missed a turning. Ok- my fault. But that soon set Schrödinger’s Cat amongst the pigeons. I had, according to Navman, ceased to be. I was an ex-car. My Citroen was drifting, like so many dark matter particles, amongst the vastness of space. Well, I wasn't on an M40 tributary at any rate, or anywhere else according to Navman’s understanding of the UK road network.

I solved this existential crisis through the expedience of turning the thing off and on again, which saw me abruptly de-cloak, apparently driving towards some form of sports complex near Leamington Spa. Soon, my newly conscious Navman was able to calculate my route again pretending coyly the whole incident had never happened.

This brush with the space-time continuum has not destroyed my faith in my Navman. Without it I would never have even got there at all and would be still driving forlornly around Coventry, screaming my frustration hoarsely though several days of beard growth, given up for lost by kith and kin. Rather, this Damascene experience has highlighted that one should never entirely place one's metaphorical John Thomas in the hands of a gadget as it could be periodically and utterly deranged.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Rabid Monkeys

If Death has a monkey suit then who has his robe?

Friday, May 18, 2007

Joy Division

The launch of a new film about the Ian Curtis, Control, reminded me how much I like the Joy Divison. YouTube, inevitably, delivers. What a sound. What brilliant dancing:

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Star Wars round up

Lots going on in the world of Star Wars. Thanks again to the Sith Guards of my blog content, Andy and Doug. You're welcome to an afternoon of Sarlacc feeding aboard my pleasure skiff anytime.

This I found highly amusing. Star Wars Toys that were never made:

Granny grows horn

All a bit weird, really.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Rugby Silence

Whilst enjoying the rugby World Cup and Six Nations, I only take an interest in day to day domestic/European games when Andy's team Gloucester crashes and burns. After singing Te Deums to their progress up until this weekend, there is now a crashing silence resounding on offmessage.

Don't worry, you can twist the knife if Forest or Shrewsbury (or both) don't make it in the playoffs, Andy.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Taiwan legislature- get ready to rumble!

Taiwan is an unusual place. It's a small island off mainland China and is actually called the Republic of China. It's where U.S.-backed Nationalist Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek fled after being defeated by the Communists on the mainland. So U.S. backed, in fact, that it even occupied the Chinese seat on the U.N. Security Council until 1971(!) when the Communists got it, courtesy of Nixon.

One thing the Taiwanese do really very well is have massive kick off brawls in their parliament. In fact, there was another one just the other day. Why not sit back and watch a compendium of the very best fights Taiwan's MPs have to offer:

Thursday, May 3, 2007

News just in- married goat dies

Earlier, we talked about man/goat love and the joy and misery it can bring. A seemingly happy story was relayed of a caprine marriage in the appropriately named Horn of Africa. News has reached The Still that the goat has died.

This tragic demise was caused by it "choking on a plastic bag she swallowed as she was eating scraps on the streets of Juba."

This, surely, is riddled with euphemisms?

Whilst we're talking about human/animal love...

...a man being pursued by an amorous mule:

Music and blasters and old Jedi masters

Many thanks to Doug and Andy for these. Firstly, wookie suits for kids (would that make them Ewoks?) . Then an R2D2 projector- sweet. Time to try and get that ordered for the boardroom.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007