Monday, May 14, 2007

Rugby Silence

Whilst enjoying the rugby World Cup and Six Nations, I only take an interest in day to day domestic/European games when Andy's team Gloucester crashes and burns. After singing Te Deums to their progress up until this weekend, there is now a crashing silence resounding on offmessage.

Don't worry, you can twist the knife if Forest or Shrewsbury (or both) don't make it in the playoffs, Andy.

1 comment:

Andy Theyers said...

Yes yes yes yes.

I very nearly went down to Twickenham to watch it as well. Very glad I didn't. The Theyers' were well represented though, much to their collective disappointment. I could go on and on about how we were missing 4 key players, and that the rain really went against us, but... Well... Let's be honest, we were spanked by a bunch of cheating bastards who aren't scared of giving away penalties in their own 22 and play the ref for all they're worth.

There's a chant that comes up from the Shed every time Leicester visit Kingsholm... "Same old Leicester, always cheating". No surprise that it was heard clear as a bell on the TV soundtrack throughout the match on Saturday.

I refuse to be philosophical about this. We was robbed.

(Despite all evidence to the contrary, of course)