Friday, April 20, 2007

Sudan man forced to 'marry' goat

Marital justice "goat news" for caprine lover:

"When I asked him: 'What are you doing there?', he fell off the back of the goat, so I captured and tied him up."

Reminds me of another story a few years ago about a chef seen having sex with a goat by a trainload of passengers:

"Stephen Hall, 23, lassoed the female goat with a belt and proceeded to have sex with it. A packed Hull to Bridlington train looked on in amazement. Police switchboards were jammed with horrified commuters calling in on their mobiles."

So, this guy sees a goat, gets the 'orn, whips off his belt and starts going at it. Then a train pulls up alongside, aghast holidaymakers returning to Hull from a lovely family holiday in Bridlington, faces pushed up against the misted window, staring out in horror at this bestial romp. And this guy must have just kept going, certainly long enough for what is going on to sink in (so to speak), to get out their mobiles and then to dial in their complaints. Respect.

The strange thing is he was gay and the goat was female.

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